How can AI agents help transforming a business today? Insights from our conversation with Massimiliano Cocurullo @ Duferco Energia

In a recent LinkedIn Live session, our CEO and co-founder Fabio Asselle had an insightful conversation with Massimiliano Cocurullo, Director of Operations and Information Systems at Duferco Energia. They explored the transformative power of AI in modern business, particularly through the use case of our Document Pro in the operations of Duferco Energia. This discussion highlighted how generative AI agents can revolutionize data management within contracts, offering significant benefits to companies in the energy sector and beyond.

The importance of AI today

First things first: Artificial Intelligence is now no longer a futuristic concept but a present-day necessity, and every day this is becoming more and more true. As discussed during our live session, AI’s ability to analyse, process, and manage large datasets efficiently makes it an invaluable tool for businesses aiming to stay competitive while empowering their human teams – therefore the advancements in AI technology are driving innovation across various industries, streamlining operations, and enabling smarter decision-making.

AI’s impact is important in the energy sector, which is currently experiencing rapid growth and transformation. Not just this: companies like Duferco Energia are not only managing a surge in demand for core services like electricity and gas but also expanding into ancillary services. The implementation of AI solutions like BotMaster’s agents helps them navigate these complexities, maintain high standards, and drive operational efficiency. Luckily today AI is more accessible than ever, and tools like BotMaster are empowering teams by enhancing their capabilities. The ability to integrate AI into everyday business operations is not just a competitive advantage but a necessary evolution to keep pace with market demands.

How BotMaster’s AI has helped Duferco Energia

First, a preambule: Duferco Energia has decided to be among the pioneers in adopting AI and implemeententing them into their operations, with a clear goal of enhancing the work of human teams. This gave the company a few advantages:

Efficiency in data management

Document Pro has significantly improved Duferco Energia’s data management by automating contract data control and analysis. This has reduced manual errors and increased efficiency, ensuring precision in a highly regulated market. Massimiliano Cocurullo emphasized that before AI, manual checks were time-consuming and human error prone. With Document Pro, these processes are streamlined, allowing the team to focus on strategic tasks.

Scalability and flexibility

One major advantage of generative AI like BotMaster is its scalability. As Duferco Energia’s needs evolve, the AI adapts to handle larger data volumes without compromising performance. This scalability supports the company’s rapid growth and expansion into new service areas, efficiently managing the surge in demand for their core services and new offerings.

Cost savings and human resources optimisation

By handling the tedious and repetitive tasks, AI frees up human resources to focus on more meaningful and strategic activities. This shift not only enhances employee satisfaction but also improves overall performance and innovation within the company.

The AI-driven future of Duferco Energia

In the conversation, Massimiliano Cocurullo outlined Duferco Energia’s ambitious plans for the next 12 months, focusing on managing its rapid and somewhat unexpected growth. This growth encompasses both core services like electricity and gas and the expansion into ancillary services, with AI playing a pivotal role in this strategy. AI helps streamline processes and enhance operational efficiency, which is crucial as the company experiences an increase in contracts and partnerships as well as a more complex service offering. By automating routine tasks, AI solutions like Document Pro ensure that the company can scale efficiently. 

Addressing business challenges and enhancing team efficiency with AI

The conversation also touched on the specific business challenges that prompted Duferco Energia to adopt AI. One major challenge was the need to accelerate certain processes, particularly in contract management. Not just this: as we all know, the energy sector is highly regulated, and precision is critical, and manual contract checks were labour-intensive and could end up in human errors. By integrating Document Pro, Duferco Energia could automate these checks, reducing the risk of errors and improving efficiency.

The initial results from AI implementation have been positive, leading to higher expectations and plans to expand AI use to other areas. This includes exploring new applications of AI to further enhance business processes and maintain a competitive edge.

Vision for the future: AI for and not against human teams

What does the future hold for AI at Duferco Energia? Looking ahead, Duferco Energia is committed to continuing its integration of AI into business processes with the aim of automating routine tasks, enhancing decision-making, and driving innovation. The company’s vision, as shared by Cocurullo, is to leverage AI to create a more efficient, agile, and competitive organization. This isn’t just about implementing technology for its own sake but about transforming the way the company operates at every level.

Crucially, Duferco Energia is also mindful of the need to balance AI implementation with the well-being of its employees. Cocurullo emphasized that their goal is to use AI to augment human capabilities, allowing employees to focus on higher-value tasks rather than routine work. This approach not only improves job satisfaction but also drives better business outcomes by ensuring that the human team is engaged in meaningful, impactful work. This forward-thinking strategy reflects Duferco Energia’s commitment to create an innovative and supportive work environment, where both technology and people can thrive together.

Positive reception and effective implementation of AI

On this topic, which surely seems to be on the minds of many managers these days, Andrea Tugnoli, CEO of Agesp Energia, asked Massimiliano Cocurullo during our LinkedIn Live session how the operational staff at Duferco Energia received the introduction of AI and how the implementation was managed. Although we couldn’t record the answer in real-time, we gathered the information afterward and note it here for you.

Massimiliano Cocurullo explained that the introduction of AI was very well received by the operational staff. During a period of significant overtime, the team understood that AI did not pose a threat to their jobs but instead offered an opportunity to improve working conditions. To date, no one has had to give up anything except excessive efforts. Effective implementation required involving business, IT, and operations teams. Transparent communication was key, ensuring that the operational staff knew the business was fully engaged in the process. With a heartfelt approach and constant weekly alignment, the team maintained everyone’s awareness. This strategy prevented unrealistic expectations and kept the team grounded, ensuring a smooth and positive transition to the use of AI.

Looking forward and embracing tomorrow’s possibilities thanks to AI

Our discussion with Massimiliano Cocurullo highlighted undoubtedly the significant benefits of integrating advanced technology into business processes, and the success story of Duferco Energia using Document Pro demonstrates the transformative potential of these tools in managing data more effectively. Surely, the journey of Duferco Energia shows that with the right approach and tools, technology can significantly enhance operational efficiency, drive growth, and create new opportunities. As technology continues to evolve, businesses that embrace these innovations will be well-positioned to lead in their respective industries.

If you’re interested in learning more about how BotMaster can benefit your business, visit our website at and don’t hesitate to contact us: we will be happy to discuss how our generative AI agents can help transform your operations and drive your business forward.

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